The Heroic Age

Issue 6

Spring 2003

Appendix I

Kentigern: the Cognate Name-forms

 549 Gonotiernus (var. "fredi(g)ernus") Concilia Galliae
 556x573 Gonothigernus Concilia Galliae
 c. 800 Conthigern(us) Annales Cambriae (an CLXVIII)
 c. 840 Cundizeorn Durham Liber Vitae
 post 937 Hodiern(us) [? '..nodiern(us)']  Cat. des eveques de Senlis
 c. 1120 Kentegern(us) Reg. Epis. Glas. 1 ("Notitia")
 c. 1150 Kentigern(us) "Herbertian" fragmentary Life
 c. 1275 Kyndeyrn garthwys m. Ewein Bonhed y Seint (Peniarth MS. 16)
 c. 1300 Chendeirn Annales Cambriae (late manu.)
 14th century Kintengern(us) sive Mungunt(us) Vatican m.s. Ottobron. lat. 163
 c. 1400 Kyndeyrn m. Kyngar Bonedd y Saint (Haford MS. 16)
 1523/1555 Kent(h)igern Soltre, p. 267 (apud Black)
 1548 Quintigern Retours, Ayr, 8 (apud Black)
 16th century Kenthegern(us) Martyrology of Usuard rescen.
 1715 Gunautegernus Hardouin (Acta Conciliorum)


The Gaelic Homophones

 1000 x 1100


(fl. 525 x 575, queen of Fiachra, king of Dal nAraide, patroness of St. Comgall)

Vita Comgalli
 ante 1498


(died 743, daughter of Cellach Cualan, King of Leinster; U734.4 Cantigernd, ingen Cealla/g Cualann, moritur.)

(Kentigerna, Quentigerna; Kalendar of the Scottish Saints, p. 373; Bulter's Lives of the Saints, i. 120; apud ODS; also Breviary of Aberdeen, i, 3, xxiv, Jan. 7th.

Annals of Ulster



1. DLV Cundigeorn <Pr.W. *Coendizern <Brit. *Cunotigernos (Jackson 1953, p.554); and (MW.) Cyndeyrn <(Pr.W.) *Coenídezern (ibid, p.643, but Kyndeyrn, p.676).

2. Mansi (Conciliorum Omnium) has Gonotigernus (Orleans a.549) and Gonothigernus (Paris a.556x573). Mansi's footnote Paris. Cunautegernus (Harduinus) (Orleans a.549) is an error for Jean Hardouin's Gunautegernus.


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This edition copyright © The Heroic Age, 2003. All rights reserved.